4 men, 1 dog VS. 5 racoons

I wake up on the forth and my mom and dad keep looking outside. So I obviously have to ask what is wrong. and they say, Koda has killed a raccoon and hurt another one.(at 5 in the morning) So my dad kept his eye on the momma that Koda just hurt. Then the time came and we were off to the parade. After the parade we start talking to our neighbor Brian and we found out there were three more raccoons and we had a gun but mom and dad said it would not be a good gun to use in the neighborhood because it was big and really loud. So we called Steve, Sam's Scout leader, and he came over to help us get rid of them. he said to decapitate it. We decided to call our friend Brent. He brought a pellet gun and they went and got rid of them as the girls went inside. and they shot them all! So hopefully we won't have any more. But Koda did get a really bad hurt behind his ear.
Urgg... why can't anyone else comment on E's blog?
Belinda I can comment!
I can comment! Poor Koda:( I hope he is okay, sounds like a crazy morning!
Who ya gonna call?
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